Reading List

Jill Steward's therapeutic approach is founded primarily in the Psychodynamic method of exploring how unresolved early life experiences continue to affect individuals on many levels in their present life.  Bringing information into conscious awareness provides the ability to make more conscious choice in ones behavior and perspective.  A wide variety of treatment methodologies, such as psychodynamic, object relations, cognitive-behavioral, problem solving, inner child and body centered awareness influence this clinicians's approach.  Rather than adopting only one methodology for all individuals and issues, Jill draws from her experience and a variety of methods that seem to be most effective for each individual and situation.

Jill has done extensive training in body-centered therapy called Hakomi.  Hakomi work combines aspects of Eastern Philosophy, traditional Western Psychology and contemporary styles of holistic psychotherapy with its own unique methods.  It rests on the intrinsic value of human "beingness" in contrast to human "doingness".  This work has expanded Jill's ability to address deep, core issues providing long lasting change.

             "Freedom is what you do with what's been done to you."
                                                                          Jean-Paul Sartre
